Known Limitations

The following records some known limitations of MDX for Kylin.

Limitation 1: Unlike SQL Server Analysis Service, only the hierarchies can be expanded in Excel. The detailed operation is shown in the figure below.

Limitation 1
Limitation 1

Limitation 2: When using hierarchies on row/column and adding filters on attributes that hierarchies rely on, the grand total and subtotals of calculated measures with currentMember function may be inaccurate.

Limitation 3: The implementation of Aggregate function is incomplete. The value of calculated measures using Aggregate function will be affected by report filters or slicers. For example: calculated measures named Aggregate-CM_1-DateKey and Aggregate-CM_1-Due Calendar Date are both defined by an expression as "Aggregate({[20120401], [20120402], [20120403], [20120404]}, [Measures].[InternetSales COUNT])", and thus should have a fixed value 26. However, the filter on hierarchy with the value 20120403 affects the value of Aggregate-CM_1-DateKey, changing it to 7.

Limitation 3
Limitation 3

Limitation 4: MDX for Kylin only supports IP hash as load balance policy. Other policies such as round robin might cause slow response or exception when canceling query in Excel.

Limitation 5: MDX for Kylin not supports the related kylin to query the relationship of many-to-many.

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