JVM Configurations

You can configure the JVM in the configuration file $MDX_HOME/semantic-mdx/set-jvm.sh. The default configuration uses less memory, you can adjust it according to your actual situation. The default value of this configuration is as follows:


You can change it to modify its configuration.

jvm_xms=-Xms3g # Initial memory of JVM when MDX for Kylin starts.
jvm_xmx=-Xmx16g # The maximum memory of JVM when MDX for Kylin starts.

In addition, you can also modify it in $MDX_HOME/conf/insight.properties, which has a higher priority than the above set-jvm.sh file. An example is as follows


When MDX for Kylin is started, the system will load the parameters defined in the configuration file $MDX_HOME/semantic-mdx/set-jvm.sh by default. If you modify the parameters, you need to restart MDX for Kylin to make the new parameter values take effect.

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